Let’s face it: life is expensive today. Money is tight, whether putting food on the table or paying for gas to get to work. If you’ve discovered you are unexpectedly pregnant and need to make a decision but don’t have any money, there is an option. Why not consider making an adoption plan for your child?
Why Should I Consider Adoption?
Pregnancy and childbirth can be expensive. Making an adoption plan costs the expectant woman or birth mother nothing. You should never pay for any agency services.
In addition, you often receive assistance with your medical care and other pregnancy-related expenses. In Pennsylvania, adoption laws allow the following expenses to be paid by the potential adoptive parents, depending on your circumstances:
- Medical costs related to the prospective birth mother’s prenatal care, birth, and postnatal care
- Costs associated with the care of the child before the decree of adoption is issued (a birth mother must wait 72 hours before signing the release for adoption papers in Pennsylvania)
- Legal representation
- Childcare for older children, if necessary
- Rent and utilities
- Groceries
- Maternity clothes
- Transportation to doctor’s appointments or the hospital
- And potentially more
The courts review any prospective birth parent’s expenses, and the adoptive parents pay those that are necessary.
By choosing a reputable adoption agency, birth mothers also receive free professional counseling services, often available 24/7.
Did You Know You Can Choose the Adoptive Parents?
Today, adoptions are very different from a few decades ago. Now, the birth mother (and father, if available) select the potential adoptive parents. You review bios of potential adoptive couples and choose the couple with your same values. What’s essential to you will also be important to them.
In addition, you choose the adoption plan. Today, most adoption plans are either open or semi-open. These plans allow you, your child, and their adoptive family to learn more about one another through ongoing communication.
You can enter into a voluntary post-adoption contact agreement outlining the type and amount of communication you want. The agency files the contact agreement with the court when the adoption is finalized.
How Can Next Step Pregnancy Solutions Help Me?
An unexpected pregnancy is stressful enough, but when you have to make a significant decision like adoption, it can be overwhelming. We will be happy to share more information with you regarding adoption and offer referrals to some reputable adoption coordinators.
We also offer free classes to help you deal with some of life’s struggles, such as abuse, sexual trauma, toxic relationships, etc. We’re here for you. Take advantage of our free services to help lead you to a brighter future.