pregnant woman curious about how does an abortion will end her pregnancy

Deciding how to handle an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming. It’s helpful to talk with someone about every option, including abortion.

If you’re considering abortion for your pregnancy, contact Next Step Pregnancy Solutions & Services. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you medically accurate information about abortion methods, side effects, and potential physical and psychological risks. Schedule an appointment today.

The Two Types of Abortion

There are two types of abortion: medical (also known as the abortion pill) and surgical. How far along you are usually determines which type you have.

The Abortion Pill Method

The abortion pill uses two drugs to end your pregnancy. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone to cause the lining of the uterus to thin. Without progesterone, a pregnancy cannot survive.

The second drug, misoprostol, causes bleeding and contractions to expel the pregnancy and related tissue from the body. These two drugs usually complete the process, but incomplete abortions have been known to happen.

The FDA approves the use of these abortion drugs only through ten weeks of pregnancy. The further along you are, the less effective the drugs.

Surgical Abortion

Abortion providers perform surgical abortions in clinics or hospitals. The procedure starts with dilating your cervix (which leads to the uterus) dilated (opened). You may also have local or general anesthesia.

Early in pregnancy, the provider might use suction or vacuum aspiration. Later pregnancies require adding a scraping tool called a curette or forceps to remove larger parts.

Have You Looked at Other Options?

You have two other options besides abortion for your pregnancy. Before choosing abortion, take a closer look at both. We can help you.

Making an Adoption Plan

Choosing to place your child for adoption can be an emotionally difficult decision. However, today’s adoption process lets you select the adoptive couple who will raise your child and the future you would like them to have.

If now is not the right time to parent, adoption lets you have a relationship with your child as you move forward in life. You can choose as much or as little privacy as you like with an open, semi-open, or closed adoption plan.

Choosing to Parent

Believe it or not, parenting is possible with determination and help from those around you. The team at Next Step is ready and willing to assist you as you learn to parent. We offer classes, material support, community referrals, and a lot of encouragement.

Schedule a No-Cost, Confidential Appointment

Would you like more information about abortion procedures, potential side effects, or the possible physical and emotional risks?

Make an appointment to talk with one of our team members about abortion, adoption, parenting, or anything that is on your mind during pregnancy. We’ll help you get the information you need.

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